Clan of the cave bears books
Clan of the cave bears books

clan of the cave bears books
  1. Clan of the cave bears books professional#
  2. Clan of the cave bears books series#

As the success of her first novel kept rising, Jean continued to travel to a number of prehistoric sites and met the experts for gaining in-depth knowledge. The novel was appreciated by many readers worldwide and it went on to win a number of nominations foe literary awards like the Best First Novel by the American Booksellers Association. With the help of complete training and knowledge, Jean penned down her first novel of the series, Clan of the Cave Bear in the year 1980. He would be able to find food, shelter and clothing with the help of his survival skills. She was so impressed by his skills that she believed he would come out of any wilderness, if left alone without any stuffs required for survival. She even began learning the construction of an ice cave by joining a survival class, as well as other related activities like making fire with the use of primitive methods, knapping stone and tanning leather under the guidance of Jim Riggs, who was an expert in aboriginal skills. During the start of the writing career in the year 1977, Jean used to do a lot of library research work on Ice Age. Other than these, she also holds honorary degrees from a couple of other institutions. Jean completed her studies from the Portland State University. She did all such jobs for living up to 1976, after which she went on to explore the author inside her. She also tried her hand at various other professions like credit manager and also a technical writer.

Clan of the cave bears books professional#

She now lives happily in Portland, Oregon with Ray Bernard Auel, her husband and their five beautiful children.īefore becoming a professional writer, Jean used to work as a clerk during 1965-66, while still studying. This is something that she feels awkward about very often. Jean’s typical surname is such that it is sometimes misunderstood as ‘owl’ (Auel) when pronounced without looking at the spelling.

Clan of the cave bears books series#

The series was such a hit that it went on to sell more than 34 million copies all over the world and was also translated into multiple languages.

clan of the cave bears books

The series deals with the interactions of the Cro-Magnon people with the Neanderthal people during the time of prehistoric Europe.

clan of the cave bears books

Jean is particularly known for his world famous novel series, “Earth’s Children”, which a set of several historical fiction novels. She has the real name, Jean Marie Untinen and was born as the second child among a total of five siblings. Jean’s father was a house painter by profession whereas her mother was a homemaker. She was born in the year 1936 in Chicago, United States to Neil Solomon Untinen and Martha Wirtanen. Jean M Auel is a noteworthy author from the United States who has written a number of novels in the Literature & Fiction genre.

Clan of the cave bears books